Thursday, June 6, 2013

Alhamdulillah ♥

Hi semua . Boleh tahan lama aku tak update kan ? Yeahh .
Holiday wast just fine . 4 more days left for holidays . Time really flies .
Actually , I'm so lazy to care about school stuffs .
Feels like enjoying my holiday . Hmmm .
Releasing stress and run away from school stuffs is awesome sometimes xD

Alhamdulillah , lately I was just fne with everything. I feel calm :)
Sejak aku patah hati bulan lepas . I have no more crush . And I feel like study all the time , focusing my aim to be a top student , and everything about studies , I simply love it ❤ .I have been searching for this feeling along time ago you know ? Satu perasaan yang dah lama aku nantikan . Study ❤ 

As I said just now , holiday wast just fine 
My last exam was on 23/5/2013 . 24/5/2013 terus balik kampung . I love this part damn much !
Releasing my stress at village while take a deep breath with cozy atmostphere around me <3 
Alhamdulillah :*

Actually balik kampung sebab perkahwinan akak saudara aku . So masa 25 haribulan tu , kitaorang pergi satu tadika ni . Aku dengan cousin tolong jaga adik2 and cousin lain . Macam2 seh masa siang tu . Kitaorang main musical chair bagai . Ahhhh I miss that moment bad bad badlyyyyy ! Anyway , I've bought purple moustache necklace 

My cousins's wedding was on 26/5/2013 . And malam masa 25 haribulan tu aku pergi rumah dia sebab tolong buat hantaran . See ? Pandai kan aku buat hantaran ? Lol don't laugh . Eh ? Aku tolong buat sirih je . Then aku tengok orang tu hias pelamin . Lawa serious lawa k ! Ada budak tu nama dia Haziq . Form lagi kott tapi dia dah pandai dah hias hias pelamin bagai ni . Untungnyaaaaaaaa ~ 
K then lepastu balik homestay . Tak balik kampung sebab homestay tu dekat sikit dengan rumah cousin . Guess what ? Aku & saudara aku tolong bagi goodies k dekat budak budak . Repeat , budak budak ONLY . Hehehehe ^^
Masa kat pelamin kak fatin serious lawa ! Sweet je dia dengan abang shahril ^^

Then 27 balik JB . Haaaaaaa :'( 
Hmmm lepastu Jumaat tu pergi Desaru ;)
Actually tak plan pun , masa Jumaat tu parents cakap nak pergi so I was so delighted :*
Hehehehe :3 
Then 1st June tengok sun rise . Sun rise is so beautiful ♥ ! Subhanallah :) Allah's creations are always gorgeous 
But I have no pictures to share . Some of them are in my cousin's camera . Nak upload gambar tapi wire usb tak jumpa . It's okayy .

Anyway , I'm happy with my life now . Happy with my family , friends , and myself too . Everything was just fine . Alhamdulillah :'D

Till then , goodbye .

Me in 2011 . Re-upload .
Goodnight , laila sa'eda :)

Friday, May 17, 2013

End .

Assalamualaikum .
Hey guys , what's up ? It has been a while I didn't update my blog .
Why ? Because I'm having Mid-Year Examination .
I hate exam . But , I love exam . Mwahaha .

Today I'm going to post about the end of us . Me and my crush .
How it ended ? It ended when I've found out that he already have a girlfriend .
Hahaha , on that moment , only "hahaha" word can describe me . Hahahaha :')

Sad ? Who don't feel the same way as me when you hear someone you loved for a long time already have someone special in his life ? Don't you feel like stupid for loving someone else's boyfriend ? So does me . I was like "Why do I fall for him ? Whyyyyy?"

I knew who's his girlfriend . And I was like "seriously that girl is his girlfriend?" at first . But at last , I was like " Let him be . That is his choice . There's nothing more I can do" . All I can do is REDHA :') By the way , there's something happened .

A few weeks before , after PJ ,  the boys in my class ask me for some money to buy water . And I give them  . And then he ask me for some money and on that time , I have no more money . So what can I do ?And he says "oh kalau ____________ mintak kau bagi" Then aku pun cakaplah "Tu tadi kan , aku dah takda duit kan? -.-" Then dia ingat aku suka si tettt tuh . I shout "Diamlah (insert his girlfriend's name)!" and he was shocked . He thought I don't even know that he already have a girlfriend .

After that moment , he keep asking me how can I know about his girlfriend ? I was like "adalah" . And then dia macam marah aku . Dia cakap "Kau ni bising lah semalam, lain kali tak payah lah heboh kan" . And I was like "K sorry" . Sumpah tersentap . Masa tu dalilah ckp mcm tu dia tak marah langsung . He didn't even care . But when I said that , he was like so so so mad . I feel like crying .

Since then , I hate him . I hate him soooooooooooooooooooooo damn much . So I've decided to shut my mouth and I don't want to say any word to him . I don't treat him like usual . My heart was bleeding . It seems like he keep blaming me . So I just shut my mouth . And he keep asking me about homework and what we need to do and I was like "Arghhhhhhhh!!!!!"

Time flies . And now , I treat him . But the way I treat him will never ever be the same as before . NEVER . I will never look back . He is my past .  Past . Past is past . My aim is getting better . Since I officially stop loving him , I learnt something . What was that ? I learnt to stop finding the meaning of crush . Why ? Because one day I'll be my zauj's zaujah , in shaa Allah , Ameen :')

End .

Everything happens for a reason :')
Goodbye , peace be upon you  

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Assalamualaikum :D
Yea , long time no see ? Mwehehe :3
Today I'm going to tell you .... about...........crush ... I mean , part II . Yang part 1 pergi cari post pasal 2013 ♥
Alhamdulillah , everything goes smoothly :>
I mean , lately :)
Let's go to my story , 1 , 2 , 3 , go !

Oppsy ,first !
This colour - my dialogue
This colour - his dialogue
This colour  - my friends's dialogue

First , this week . Many "sweet" things happened between me and him . Alhamdulillah . All praises to Allah 
K first macam ni , last Friday , cikgu check buku budak lelaki and some of them didn't finish their homework . Unfortunately , all of them have to get out from the lab and sit outside . My teacher continue teaching us without boys . After a few minutes , my teacher asked the girls to choose one of them (boys) and teach them what we have learnt . First , I want to choose my class monitor , but then , my friend have chose him . I was like "weh aku nak pilih siapa ni wehhhh?" Then I want to choose my other friend and same things happened again -.- I saw him . Crush . I called him . Like this :

Me : _______ , jom lah masuk dalam .
Him : Buat apa?
Me : Nanti aku ajar kau apa yg kitaorang belajar. Kitaorang kena ajar korang . Dah lah jom masuk .

Then aku ajar dia pasal metal + oxygen nanti jadi metal oxide semua . Dia cakap dia faham . Then dia cakap dia takut nak explain . Guess what I've said ? "Ala kau kan gagah lagi perkasa" dia jawab "pergh" Hahahaha tak boleh lupa .Then aku ingat kena ajar pastu duduk tempat masing-masing , rupanya cikgu cakap budak lelaki tu automatik jadi ahli group kita . I was like "What?!?!?!?!?" Mwahahaa

Isnin . Kitaorang pergi lab . Then dapat result . Dia nak tengok result aku . Dah lah aku menyampah dengan markah . Lagi nak tunjuk dia . Memang tak lah . Then dia nak jugak , aku tak bagi , dia cakap "kedekut seh" I was like "tak nak , teruk lah result ni" . Finally aku mengalah , aku bagi jugak . You know what ? I fall . I don't know how to stand up . But you wanna know what he did ? He comforted me . He tell me "Maths memang lah susah . Kan soalan pmr semua , memanglah " Ya Allah , I feel like he's amazing wehhhh :'D Thank you crush

Selasa ? Oh yea , kitaorang ada latihan rumah sukan . Aku datang sekolah je terus pergi dekat fieza and then tunggu diorang . Masa tengah jalan , aku pusing belakang tiba-tiba ada dia . Dia cakap "Oi" And I said "Apa oi oi" . Hehehe 

Rabu ? Kitaorang kena buat experiment . First aku tengok dia stress je . Serious down masa tu . Dengan ringan mulut aku pun tanya dia "Weh kau okay tak?" Dia jawab apa tau ? "Kau tahu tak aku penat,panas ngantuk semua" And aku jawab "Weh , kau ingat kau sorang je ke ? Hahaha" Lepastu dia ketawa hahaha yeay I love the way that you smile , crush . Then masa buat experiment , kena guna mancis semua , tahu takk dia nyalakan mancis tu sekali je . I mean , sekali buat terus jadi and I was like wow . Lepastu dia pinjam buku aku and dia cakap "weh nanti aku letak atas meja kau ehh" Aku pun okay kan je lah .Pastu dia main-main cakap ak tiggalkan buku aku kat lab. Eii ketuk kang  ><" Hahahaha :D . In the same time , aku ada cakapsomething tapi dia tak dengar . Lepastu dia tanya "ha apa kau cakap tadi?" Then I was like " -_- Takde ape lahh" Lepastu kan , si arrogant dengki duhh . Dia cakap "Oh tak , tadi nurin tanya kau suka siapa" .Then dia cakap "Banyak lah kau" Eh arrogant ni -__- Before that , aku ada tanya soalan maths sebab tak faham . Mula-mula aku tanya ketua kelas aku , then ketua kelas aku bagi dekat budak sebelah dia . Budak sebelah dia tak dapat jawab , then dia bagi crush aku . Guess what ? Dia tulis benda yang merepek kerepek then aku cakap " Takpelah aku buat sendiri ><" . Then dia tengok aku and cakap "La tu kertas kau ke ?" Aku cakap"ye lah , kau ingat kertas siapa?" Dia cakap "aku ingat kertas dia *tunjuk kawan dia* Me "hmm takpelah" Lepastu dia cakap "Alaa jangan lahh merajuk" Oh damn ♥ 

Khamis . My lovely part ♥
First masuk kelas and aku menjalankan tanggungjawab aku sebagai penolong bendahari . Yea kena tanya pasal itu ini bayar itu ini k. Then dia panggil aku . Repeat , dia panggil aku . But aku tak dengar . Then kawan aku pusing , guess what did he said ? "Eh kau Nurin ke?" Ya Allah . I was like aaaaaaaa am I in my dreamland or reality ? I was like "seriously dia panggil aku? Serious wehh?"  Hehehe I love the way he play football . And masa tu kitaorang dapat workshit english . Dia nak gam , then my friend baling dekat dia . Lepastu dia nak pulang balik , dia tanya , "Eh Nurin , tak nak harta eh?" Then dia baling gam tu slow slow tapi tersalah sasaran -.- Aku pan cakap eeee ei ! Then dia mengucing aku .Elele, fikir comel lah? Lol

Jumaat . Today .
Kitaorang kena tulis markah kat kad Etr .Then aku tak tahu kena tulis gred . Bila dah tahu , aku pun buat lah kerja aku as usual kann ? Then budak lelaki kena tolong pembantu makmal . Aku check lah etr dia, ada yang dia belum tulis . So I've decided to write it for him . Then aku bagi tahu dia , dia ketawa .  Hehehehe . Lepas tu kan , Syida nak pinjam vicks aku . Then syida cakap " I just want to say untunglahh" Masa Syida amek vicks aku , dia tanya "Eh eh , kau nak buat apa dengan vicks dia tu?" Ya Allah

Alhamdulillah . Aku bersyukur . Dia selalu buat aku ketawa . Selalu :'D *touched*
Dulu masa awal-awal persekolahan , kalau berebut buku mesti dengan dia . Hikhik :3

Crush ,
I hope that you'll never say goodbye . I have a crush on you . I love the way that you smile . And I want to be the reason why . I love it when you laugh . Sometimes your anger makes you look more handsome . Hahaha seriously . Everytime you tease me , I feel happy . Thank you for comforting me when I'm about to cry . Thanks a lot .  I fall for your personalitites . You're handsome in your own way . Just please . Don't say goodbye . Please .  I always want you to be mine forever . Me ? In love with crush 

Till then , goodbye .
Assalamualaikum :>