Friday, May 17, 2013

End .

Assalamualaikum .
Hey guys , what's up ? It has been a while I didn't update my blog .
Why ? Because I'm having Mid-Year Examination .
I hate exam . But , I love exam . Mwahaha .

Today I'm going to post about the end of us . Me and my crush .
How it ended ? It ended when I've found out that he already have a girlfriend .
Hahaha , on that moment , only "hahaha" word can describe me . Hahahaha :')

Sad ? Who don't feel the same way as me when you hear someone you loved for a long time already have someone special in his life ? Don't you feel like stupid for loving someone else's boyfriend ? So does me . I was like "Why do I fall for him ? Whyyyyy?"

I knew who's his girlfriend . And I was like "seriously that girl is his girlfriend?" at first . But at last , I was like " Let him be . That is his choice . There's nothing more I can do" . All I can do is REDHA :') By the way , there's something happened .

A few weeks before , after PJ ,  the boys in my class ask me for some money to buy water . And I give them  . And then he ask me for some money and on that time , I have no more money . So what can I do ?And he says "oh kalau ____________ mintak kau bagi" Then aku pun cakaplah "Tu tadi kan , aku dah takda duit kan? -.-" Then dia ingat aku suka si tettt tuh . I shout "Diamlah (insert his girlfriend's name)!" and he was shocked . He thought I don't even know that he already have a girlfriend .

After that moment , he keep asking me how can I know about his girlfriend ? I was like "adalah" . And then dia macam marah aku . Dia cakap "Kau ni bising lah semalam, lain kali tak payah lah heboh kan" . And I was like "K sorry" . Sumpah tersentap . Masa tu dalilah ckp mcm tu dia tak marah langsung . He didn't even care . But when I said that , he was like so so so mad . I feel like crying .

Since then , I hate him . I hate him soooooooooooooooooooooo damn much . So I've decided to shut my mouth and I don't want to say any word to him . I don't treat him like usual . My heart was bleeding . It seems like he keep blaming me . So I just shut my mouth . And he keep asking me about homework and what we need to do and I was like "Arghhhhhhhh!!!!!"

Time flies . And now , I treat him . But the way I treat him will never ever be the same as before . NEVER . I will never look back . He is my past .  Past . Past is past . My aim is getting better . Since I officially stop loving him , I learnt something . What was that ? I learnt to stop finding the meaning of crush . Why ? Because one day I'll be my zauj's zaujah , in shaa Allah , Ameen :')

End .

Everything happens for a reason :')
Goodbye , peace be upon you  

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